10 Reasons we scared to speak out

10 Reasons we scared to speak out. All of us have the right to stand up and speak our minds, no matter who you are. What age Are you, how much experience, your education, gender or any social labels ? You have all the rights to speak up.
Unfortunately, not all people have the courage to let people know what they have in mind. Maybe you are one of them who is afraid to speak up? How could this happen in this video we're going to discuss 10 Reasons we scared to speak out?
10 Reasons we scared to speak out
1. One childhood memories
People who experience some events in their childhood may have a possibility of being afraid to speak up. How are your childhood memories? Do your parents give you hard punishment? Did your parents put their dominance towards their kid's parents who never give their child a chance to show their emotions or feelings.Sometimes it will affect you in your childhood, You will be afraid to speak your mind because you are not used to doing so. You still have in mind that whenever you want to share your stories, your parents won't listen to you. They are mad at you. Instead, how do you wear your appearance? Do you think this is a major factor in your fear?
2. People dismiss your emotions
Do you think your environment is capable to accept emotions, or do they see emotions as a sign of weaknesses in some countries, districts or areas? They have an unwritten norm or belief that showing emotions are a sign of immaturity or weakness.Boys aren't allowed to cry. Grown-Up men are forbidden to show emotions, women are not allowed to complain about their domestic roles, etc. The more you grow up, the more you are restricted, show emotions. When this happens dearly it will make you feel afraid to speak up, because people in your environment cannot accept emotions.
3. You have some personality type
This world is divided mostly into two categories: extroverted people and the ones who are introverted. There is nothing wrong with these two personalities, both of them have their advantages and they can perform well in their professional or personal life. The challenge is sometimes introverts are used to thinking on their own. They tend to do well all by themselves.They gain energy when they are alone. The challenge is when you are introverted, you gain more responsibilities. At some point, you must work in a larger social environment. What are you going to do when you have to speak up your mind in a larger group of people? If you are an introvert, you can make some preparations before the day, take advantage of your time alone to write some scripts or guidelines. That way when the time has arrived, you can speak up your ideas, thoughts more easily .
4. You are a highly sensitive Person
The highly sensitive person or HSP can get overwhelmed easily by their social environments. They used to think more deeply than others. They can see what others are not able to see. They also have emotional sensitivity, so they can know what your emotions are. Only by seeing your face, if you are in hsp, you tend to know others mind and you can read others because of it. You are afraid to speak up.You are scared that you are going to hurt them. If you speak up your mind when you over analyze things, you block yourself to have the courage to give your opinion. One thing you must remember if HSP is not always introverted, so extroverts can be in HSP too. What do you think about your thoughts? Are you an HSP who analyzes everything
5. Verbal bullying
Bullying does not only happen at school? It also happens whenever you are and now it grows inside your web. But the fact is, people usually have their first experience with bullying at school. For example, you want to answer the question being asked by your teacher on that day. You get it wrong, and your friends are bullying you. After that event, you never want to do a similar action.Verbal bullying has expanded itself in a form of internet bullying. In some situations, you want to speak up your opinion on the comment section, but what you get is negative replies. If you are afraid of speaking up on social media, why don't you start it?
6. You think that you are not smart enough
Sometimes we feel inferior about our knowledge. You see others are having more expertise than you. It makes you not comfortable to speak up if you think you are not as good as others.You must remember that everyone has their expertise, try to find one. What are the things you love and are doing best? If you succeed in finding one, put your efforts into those fields, be an expert based on your uniqueness.
7. Birth order
Our society sometimes treats children depending on their birth order. For instance, the child is given more responsibilities to take care of their younger sibling.They don't have the privilege as their younger brothers or sisters, because the parents have high hopes for them. They can't complain about it and have to live with it. These treatments may differ. Youngest children can also be treated like this. We can't blame our parents, though.
Maybe they didn't know the effect of their parenting back then. Do you think you were treated differently than your siblings? How does it affect you? Eight you don't like confrontations. Peace is your middle name,
8. You don't like any confrontation,
Especially with your colleagues, family or friends. You see the world has enough conflict already, so you want to avoid it as best as you can. A side effect is you are afraid to speak up, even if you feel some objections about a topic, you just keep your opinion only for yourself. Your reason is simple: you don't want any conflict or confrontation.9. You don't have a full understanding of the problems
One of the reasons why we are afraid to speak up is we still don't have a full understanding of the problems. You are not sure what is going on around you as the people talk and give you information.You are not satisfied enough and you need more time to think about it. You are afraid to have a wrong conclusion about the problems that existed. You want to take careful measures before you decide how to approach. Do you have any experience with this kind of situation? What will you do if you are still unsure of what is happening around you?
10 . You afraid of what will happen
Maybe you're afraid to speak up because you're afraid about what will happen. You fear that your ideas will be rejected by others, or maybe you think that your ideas are silly. The solution is not more than do, You have to do what you are afraid of the answer, to not be afraid is being brave, take a chance and see what the future offers don't make yourself regret anything you haven't done yet just do what you need to do and see where the story goes. Enjoy.The ride of life speaks up and lives up your life. What do you think about the topics? Are you afraid to speak up? What reasons do you think are your problems? Don't hesitate to speak up your mind.