How to make an introverted man like you

Hey everybody, welcome to my blog. Today, our topic is about how to make an introvert man like you make sure to watch till the end. Maybe you would find something useful that you could try approaching an introvert is actually not a difficult thing to do because actually, an introvert who is close to someone will be more open to him.
If an openness arises in your relationship with him, then you have gotten his heart and become someone important to him. It's just that the problem lies in the excess effort that must be donated or given in the process because they are people who are rather difficult to believe in others, whether it is a friend or partner.
People with introverted personalities are hard to guess. They are very reliable in hiding their emotions and feelings. The love and loyalty of the introvert is also very difficult to obtain. Of course, this is a big challenge for you who are like introverts. However, you don't need to worry. We have eight ways that you can do so that the introvert who you like responds to your feelings.
You have to apply these methods patiently because basically, introverted people need time to be able to adjust to the new things you do to him.
1. Eager to listen
Most introverted people are quiet. However, when they talk, it is the right moment to be able to make him fall in love with you. Appreciating what he is talking about through listening and also responding enthusiastically to his words as something you must do If you want to get love from an introvert. Besides, you should never interrupt the conversation that he is making. Let him talk to the end without having to be interrupted, because of interruption as the most hated by the introvert.
2. Keep giving space
Never ask introverts to be with you at all times and times. Yes, their sense of worry will be high when you demand to want to continue to be with him. Basically, introverts need space and time to reflect and replenish their energy. Give him space and time to do what he likes, so he does not feel pressured by your presence in his life.
3. Be Patient
Every relationship as a process. Similarly, when you are building relationships with an introvert. Maybe you will feel the process as long, but this is a natural thing. Considering that introverts need more time about openness. All you have to do is be patient and never force patience and enjoy all the processes. Everything will feel much faster and beautiful.
4. Honest and be frankly
Believe it or not, Introverts are more sensitive in terms of detecting honesty. Therefore, you must be honest and be open when approaching him. Show your true self and what you are without the need for imaging with honesty and openness. Introverts will also feel much more comfortable and feel completely themselves.
5. Be curious
Introverts are very happy to be questioned about themselves. Therefore, you can ask questions that can make you know him further, but remember you must be careful, don't let your question actually makes him feel like he was interrogated
6. Don't regulate
Most introverts don't like to fill their days with lots of activities. He needs time to reflect on the experience he has. Therefore, never tried to change or even adjust the schedule, even if there is no activity on the schedule, it could be that the schedule is made to recharge his energy and reflect on his experience.
7. Comfortable with silence
For some introverts, the conversation can be a tiring thing. You know, when they are silent, It does not mean that is the right moment in building a chat. He could just want to be quiet and enjoy the space itself. Therefore, don't forget to give him space yes,
8. Be persistent
Don't give up easily and remain persistent or two things you must do If you want to win the heart of the introvert. Although the process is slow, if the introvert has fallen in love with you, then he will be the most loyal figure and reluctant to lose you.