Introverts, Minor Feeling Of Something

Hey everybody, our topic is about introverts, the minor feeling of trying something? These five things make sure to read till the end. Maybe you would find something useful that you could try. Minor is basically a feeling that is generated by someone's dissatisfaction with the existence or condition they are experiencing at a particular moment.
This minor can be in various aspects of life, starting from possessions to the quality of intelligence. Whatever the cause, this minor is not a good thing for someone to have, because it will cause delays in developing unhappiness in life.
Everyone has their own inferior case, so does an introvert. Yes, even though people who look like introverts are the most inferior, but not like that, except someone's minority actually the same, whether it's introverted or extroverted, and here are some things you can apply to get rid of the inferior feelings you feel right now.
1. Worship to God
Leading to the source of inferiority felt by someone we mentioned above as sourced from a feeling of lack of something someone else has. Now what underlies this and why worship can be the first solution for it, because that feeling of inferiority as a feeling of feeling inadequate, it is very clear that someone who feels inferior has a crisis of gratitude.
Sorry, if this is too much, but that is the reality, someone who is grateful for what he has will not feel inferior but will continue to try to use all the things he has to use as a tool to achieve what he really wants. This minor also occurs because someone is too focused on others and worship as a way out to overcome this. What happens when we worship, as we know, that worship as a process of getting closer to our God.
Where in the process, we make ourselves aware that all the things we have our gifts and gifts that are given and mandated to us and we must protect as religious people. With this new thinking, we will learn to appreciate and be grateful for what we have. Then it leads to the second fact where minor is a thought that focuses on others more than we will Something, worship has a role where we will change our thinking so that we become more focused on understanding ourselves.
Next is self understanding, lack of self understanding that someone has will make the person trapped in wrong thoughts, which in turn will cause the person to do the wrong thing as well. Minor as one of the fatal consequences of this, especially for introverts, who do not understand Themselves, because of your lack of understanding of yourself, you will try to compare yourself with others who are more than you at one thing, and this results in you feeling inferior and inferior.
The worst thing that can be caused by this as the result of feeling inferior, because you will try to force yourself or fight yourself to be better than someone who is very different from you. In other words, you will fight your identity to become someone who is not really you. As a result, instead of getting better, you become even more stressed.
Instead of forcing yourself to be someone else, you better focus yourself to develop your real field. So the simple way Is to start focusing your thoughts and attention on yourself, starting from strengths to weaknesses and likes, and not focusing on comparing or seeing what other people can do while you can’t.
2. Receive flaws
Everyone has certain deficiencies in themselves. Everyone has their own shortcomings, but people often forget that their shortcomings are actually not a bad thing, because when we have weaknesses we will definitely be something else.
Suppose you as an introvert have flaws in social relationships and emotional control, but I am very sure, you have a very strong advantage in the field of your imagination and thinking. Therefore, you might like to pour your creativity through your works. That is just one example of the many examples of strengths that you have in yourself. When you accept your own shortcomings, you will feel calmer and all your inferior feelings will disappear.
3. See the advantages
We as humans tend to pay attention to something different from normal words or to rap whether it's the best or the ugliest because they are striking. But did you know that actually people who feel inferior focus their views only on the worst things or in other words negative perspective that only sees negative things will lead to negative thoughts which ultimately creates negative feelings as well as inferior.
For example, it is natural for someone to do that, because humans are more sensitive to pain than happiness. But now is the time, you begin to divert and reverse your mindset and focus on the positive things that are inside or around you.
One example is, for example, when you ask someone who feels somewhat inferior, because you don't have a good cell phone like your friend but the cellphone you have as black and white cell phone. Why don't you start to see the positive side of what you can achieve in the absence of bullies like cell phones that are 80 % content are just entertainment.
You will have a far more valuable and useful time, and now the hardest task is the struggle that you will do after you know how to get rid of these inferior feelings, which is how to achieve your dreams.
4. See wishes
Maybe desire is a word too ambiguous to be a solution, especially knowing the fact that inferior feelings also come from feelings of wanting. So what does this desire mean? Okay, let's face it. There are indeed many kinds of desires and all desires are feelings of wanting. Here is not the process of wanting things that make you blind to what's important.
Like, for example, you want someone to be too excessive, so you forget yourself, the desire here as a Long-Term desire, such as where you will direct your life with something that you really have now desire, will always arise desire even higher, but with a desire that is very large and far higher than just a comparison of yourself with others.
You will underestimate all of it and even consider it unimportant. The next thing you do, as you will try to use what you have to achieve positive desires. like when you are driving to a place with other people, rather than comparing your motorcycle with someone else's good car. You better focus on going to your destination, yet the person may not necessarily have enough fuel to overtake you.
5. Get it
Actually, this sub one can be branched out in two, the other one can lead to connecting the above topic, but here I will focus on new stages that can indeed be a new solution for you. when you feel inferior about something, you must feel frustrated and really want the same thing, or at least approach something that someone else has to be accepted in an environment or to be seen better in the eyes of others.
All that is normal, especially if the problem is like you are studying at a university far from your boarding house or home and because you don't have a vehicle, you are required to walk while other people use good vehicles. The problem above is indeed severe, but actually, it's not as heavy as it seems if we can understand the situation and can escape our feelings.
So what I want to say is you need to end up stuck in that feeling inferior, indeed inferiority, as only a feeling of the consequences of the conditions experienced and nothing more. The trick is to change the focus from feelings to thoughts and problem solving or finding solutions. instead of feeling depressed over time due to the situation you have, now you try to start to form an opportunity to make up for your lack of it.
You can start by reflecting and thinking about things that you can really use that exist within yourself and those around you to overcome the problems you are facing. like, for example, you want to buy a motorcycle and it turns out you can speak a foreign language and Want to be a translator to buy the vehicle. Instead of being depressed, your life will become even more colourful because of it. Are you an introvert? What more do you want to add?