7 Secret Advantages Of Being Silent

7 Secret Advantages Of Being Silent, they say, silence is golden, and that rings true to some extent, while being talkative is a common positive trait, especially in networking, being silent has its advantages.
Despite the common misconception, that being silent is equal to being shy. There is nothing wrong with people who choose to be quiet and who are more silent in their interactions. Are you a silent person ?, do not feel low just because you are not as talkative as others ?. You can always see the silver lining, as shown in the secret advantages of being silent.
7 Secret Advantages Of Being Silent
1. One keeping regret out of line.
Did you ever regret saying something? Regret is avoidable once we know when to speak and when to not speak, silence can demonstrate self-control and that we know some things are better left unsaid.This way you can filter what you say instead of babbling everything out in some cases, it seems silence is associated with oppression. Oppression is a condition where a certain party is having their freedom limited. Still. If you choose silence on your own, it demonstrates a more mature approach to things
2. Calming and resting your mind
The next among the secret advantages of being silent is that it helps us calm and rest our minds. That is the reason why meditation exists. Meditation uses the form of silence to reorganize our thoughts and sort them out to be less chaotic.When you are in silence, you do not need to look for new topics to talk about, and you have more room in your mind to calm yourself. If you want to utilize your silence, more learn to meditate on your own first, sit comfortably in a quiet room after that inhale and exhale in a repeated motion.
Try not to think about your worries and focus on your breathing dynamic. The next thing you know you feel calmer and your mind is more rested.
3. Improved ability to observe
Imagine you are in a room where everybody is talking, do you think they notice the surroundings or just the person they are talking to? The answer is, most of them probably do not notice their surroundings, but that is not the case with silent people.
Silent people have better observation skills because their focus tends to expand to their surroundings, as they don't feel the need to talk. What makes this among the biggest advantages of being silent is that observation plays an important role in giving a more objective judgment and in preparing your next move. Observant people tend to be more calculative.
This trait is good for business strategy and to read people more accurately. You will notice the surroundings, the gestures of the people and the subtle hints in a conversation easily .
4. Boost your creativity
Another advantage of keeping silent is it helps to boost creativity when someone is in silent mode, it helps the brain to have a single focus and a better attention span.
Thus, you can brainstorm more ideas for your project. Research also found that silence helps to focus your concentration and helps in not being easily distracted by external stimulation to those in the creative field. Ideas will flow even better during silent time.
This is why it is better to have a space where you can concentrate and pick ideas for your new project executing the creative project instead of talking about. It also increases the chance of the project being fulfilled
5. Exercises Your patients
The following advantage of being silent, is the patience it teaches to all of us. How can silence correlate to patients? We often need to resort to silence as we try to avoid unnecessary arguments and conflicts. It takes energy to keep our mouths shut, especially if it is a heated argument.
Therefore, it indirectly exercises your patience. You can deal with an argument or a different view in a conversation better, as you hold your argument and try to listen. Instead, that does not mean that those who choose to open their mouths are hot-headed, as boldness is also a good virtue.
It is about knowing your timing and preparing a well thought out opinion based on logic and facts. Using this tactic, you can end an argument peacefully.
6. Conserve your energy
Talking costs more energy than being silent, especially if you are an introvert who needs to recharge. During alone time for introverts not talking much helps to conserve their energy, they do not want to spend too much time on small talk as it will drain their energy.
Moreover, not talking for a while will help your muscles to relax as being quiet means. Fewer muscles are in use practice this to conserve your energy during a social gathering, talk only when necessary and do not engage in negative and unproductive talk, know your timing to talk, so you can use your energy more efficiently.
7. Maintain your vocal cords
The last and probably the least known advantage of being silent, is maintaining the vocal cords. It is not uncommon for those who use their voices for work such as singers, presenters and mcs to go on a completely silent mode before an event.
The cause of this habit is that being quiet means you do not use your vocal cords too frequently, then you can maintain your vocal cords and keep them in good condition, being silent in the right time and at the right place. It is not wrong to be less talkative than others, and there are advantages of being silent.
However, note that being quiet should happen at the right time and the right place, people who don't know how to judge it right tend to be quiet for a lack of self-esteem, while the others are quiet for better timing. If you are the former, do not take it for granted that you will not achieve anything just because you are quiet there are times when you also need to speak out now. Are you ready to reap the benefit of being silent among the crowds who never stop?