7 Infamous ways of thinking of introverts

Hey everybody welcomes to my blog. Today, our topic is about 7 Infamous ways of thinking of introverts. What are introverts' views on life?.
1. The world is wide, but we can't go anywhere.
That's how introverts think, we rarely get anywhere. Most introverts have experienced or are probably experiencing this. My friend said, “Hey bro, the world is not just a living room in a bedroom”. I still remember that I pondered about it.That's true, but if you are an introvert. you will understand right away. You can be very embarrassed to meet someone, so that makes you very uncomfortable. I know that introverts never feel comfortable in a crowd. Even I feel a little itchy when I start to get nervous because of the crowd.
2. 1 word equals 1000 meanings.
This is what you must realize and always remember these words. If you ask me, do you know that means a lot to me that could make me excited and feel valued, and I do not hesitate to pray for anyone who greets me sincerely.We rarely spoke and when we speak, we do it in our hearts. So if there are people who invite us to chat, it is so amazing, you don't need to be afraid of chatting with introverts, because, as far as I know for myself, if you are close enough to me, you can get the best help that extroverts can rarely Provide try and feel it.
3. Introverts are minorities.
This is one reason why we introverts don't like to talk a lot. 8 out of 10 people are extroverts. Two of these people are introverts. Try to see how many of your friends don't like to talk a lot or like to complain if they are not good enough to socialize, because of that they are not accustomed to courage.They are taught not to talk much, but still, what is inside, whether it is feelings, opinions or whatever, as in ourselves, we must channel, or we will be depressed and depressed. They stop talking and start acting.
4. Introvert as an accomplished thinker.
Introverted by a great thinker, but this is a trap. What I have gotten so far as if you think too much, you will never be able to do anything. Logically, everything is wrong. For example, build a business, logically everything is wrong.We want to succeed, but research shows that there are only ten successful companies out of 50 in the first year. Furthermore, out of the 10 companies, only two companies survived after the first 5 years. Eventually, many thoughts then more dizzy and trapped by the illusions of their minds.
So my advice to you introverts, first think of everything in detail and when you get stuck do what you've planned, stop thinking and follow your intuition, follow your heart. What you believe and never give up.
5. Introverts are very loyal People.
Introverts can be invited to work together. Introverts like I said, they rarely have many friends. for them, all people are not friends but only know. But a friend, It has many things to consider. Friend for them to know the worst side of someone and still be able to relate to each other.For example, I am an introvert and a friend of mine who is extroverted. We have different views about perspective, but there are values that he has which connects with me in the end, maybe I and he could become a team to be sure. If you give an introvert a favour, they will never be able to forget it. Vice-Versa, they will never forget the bad actions given to them.
Maybe a few of the introverts will respond to these actions through the backchannel, but most good introverts will not do that. They will only always be remembered by that painful moment and as much as possible to move on from all their bad experiences.
6. Love is something very sacred.
Most introverts are single. Why? Because they think once in a relationship, then they will marry someone who is right for them because for them love is sacred, they do not have ex as much as possible.So before going out, they will pick and choose the best partner for them. Remember not! The perfect partner, but the best partner for them. so anyway, you will realize it when you already have a relationship with a good introvert. It feels like heaven in your home.
7. Very appreciate all the things we often forget.
Life is amazing! We introverts really value time, Opportunity, Greetings opportunities and anything that seems small. We will try our best to arrive early. If there is a meeting we will say no, when we really can't do what you ask or someone else asks, because we respect your feelings.We don't want you to feel disappointed with what we do if we agree to do what you ask, we also do not hesitate to give appreciation or appreciation to the people who work.